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Stadia Utilities open new Leicester office as part of their 2024 expansion

New team members at their first training day in Leicester

To kick off 2024 Stadia Utilities have established a new office in Enderby, Leicester supporting their continued business growth. Leicester quickly became the obvious choice for Stadia’s second office due to it being a hotspot for the energy industry, with a great talent pool and a number of suppliers and consultants based out of the area. 

Joined by seven new hires across their energy sales, property management, waste management and renewables teams. Stadia and it’s team offer a range of services within the energy, waste and water sectors. Leicester specifically aims to increase revenues by 22.78% on top of the projected growth in their flagship Grantham office of 14.55%. Giving the business targeted growth of 37.33%.

While already working with a high number of National businesses based of out of the East Midlands, their aim is to support more companies navigate the challenges of the energy and waste landscape across the UK. If you would like to know more about the benefits that Stadia can provide your business please call 0333 0058 853 or check out their www.stadiautilities.com .

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