Banking and Finance

Spotlight On, Nathan Waldron, Director at Waldron & Co Financial Planning

Nathan Waldron

Nathan Waldron, is a finance specialist who launched Waldron & Co Financial Planning in May 2021, after a lengthy career in banking.

Waldron & Co are a partner of M&G Wealth Advice with products accessed from Prudential and other providers. The company is also supported by M&G plc – who have been providing financial security for more than 170 years.

Nathan covers several industry areas and has recently had his expertise celebrated after becoming a ‘Top Rated’ adviser on VouchedFor – a UK review site for Financial Advisers and other industry professionals. Nathan is passionate to help to educate others about the world of finance.

  1. What are the biggest opportunities and challenges in your industry?

There are many opportunities including with the rapid growth of technology, creating more jobs and developing more skilled financial advisers to meet the diverse needs of clients. Challenges can arise when staying up-to-date up with ever-changing regulations, staying ahead of industry trends and adapting to the increasing demand for personalised financial advice.

2. How would you describe your leadership style?

As a leader I always strive to be like a friendly and supportive mentor – approachable, encouraging and always focused on developing growth and collaboration. Myself and those involved with my company  believe in empowerment to reach full potential while maintaining a positive and engaging work ethic.

3. How do you get the most out of the people who work for you?

Encouraging others to develop themselves, stay true to their passions and maintain a strong client focus. Mix that with sprinkling of magic dust called trust, open communication and a good dose of humour and that leaves you with a recipe for success. We also believe in celebrating achievements, big or small. By always putting our clients’ needs first and supporting growth, keeps people motivated and inspired.

4.What are the most crucial elements to your business running smoothly and being successful?

A dedicated and inspired plan, clear communication and an super commitment to our clients’ well-being. We believe that by nurturing a positive and innovative work environment, we can spark creativity and drive to continuously improve and excel in all aspects of our services. We’re on a mission to make the world of finance a brighter, more accessible place for everyone.

5. How has the past 12 months been for you?

The past 12 months have been a whirlwind of excitement and growth. Despite the challenges – resilience and motivation has risen to the top – propelling us forward as we continue to make a difference in our clients’ lives. We’ve embraced new ideas, adapted to ever-changing situations and celebrated victories. All while staying true to our mission of delivering outstanding financial advice with a warm, friendly touch.

6. What will the next 12 months look like for your business?

The next 12 months for our business will be nothing short of wonderful. We envision a future where we expand our services, reach even more clients and continue to foster a culture of innovation and collaboration. As we adopt cutting-edge technologies and develop brand new strategies, we remain committed to our core values of excellence, integrity and empathy. Transforming the world of financial advice and making a lasting impact on the lives of our clients and our community.

7. What are the highlights of your career so far?

Every time I’ve helped a client achieve their financial dreams it just feels truly amazing.  Each success story fuels passion and determination to create a brighter financial future for all. These milestones remind us that, together, we can overcome any challenge and make a real difference in the world.

8. What’s the biggest business mistake that you’ve learnt from?

Early on I underestimated the power of networking and building strong relationships within the industry. I have since learned that building strong connections and collaborations can open doors to incredible opportunities, enhance expertise and ultimately, help us better serve our clients. Now myself and those who work with me, actively prioritise networking and cherish the relationships we’ve built along the way.

9. What’s the best piece of business advice you’ve been given?

“Dream big, work relentlessly, and let your passion be the guiding light that illuminates your path to success.” This nugget of wisdom has inspired me to push boundaries, overcome obstacles and stay true to myself. By staying focused on what truly matters and believing in your ability to make a difference, I believe you are then able to reach for the stars and create a legacy that positively impacts the world around us in anything we choose to do.

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