Expert Opinion

Should you drop everything to be there for the one you love?

Have you been thinking about your relationship lately? Does your partner expect you to just drop everything and be there for them every single time something is wrong? If they do, it might be the cause of a little bit of tension between you.

In this article, we’re going to be looking at some of the things that you should consider, so that ultimately you can make this decision for yourself. Keep reading if you would like to find out more.

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The first thing that we recommend is that you think about the distance. If you live close to your partner, then sometimes dropping everything when it’s needed isn’t going to cause an issue. For example, you can just drive over to wherever they are and find out all the details in person. However, if you are in a long distance relationship, this can be a little trickier. Add in the fact that you’re probably going to get frustrated because you can’t see them right away and you could have a real issue on your hands. If your partner is from another country, you may want to start looking into immigration lawyers to get your partner as close as possible to you ASAP.

But, it’s not just about distance, this is only one factor. If it’s possible to drop everything and go, and you want to, then being close has its advantages.

If It Interrupts Your Career

If the problem interrupts your career, what are you going to do? For most people, we would say that it largely depends on what the thing is that they want you to leave work for. If it’s not that bad and can wait until later, there is no reason for you to leave and head over to them. If it’s an immediate problem, then it might be something you head straight over for. They may be the one that you love, but that doesn’t mean that you have to come running every single time. Emergencies, sure. If something is wrong, sure. If they are just feeling a little insecure or they are having a meltdown about your relationship, it might not be the best time to leave your work and go to them.

What Is Reasonable?

They say that if you love someone you would be willing to drop everything within a second if they need you, but what defines if they need you? They could be having a crisis about what to wear to the next function you’re attending, and to some that may count as needing you. It’s more about what’s reasonable and you need to make a judgement call at the moment.

We hope that you have found this article helpful, and now have some things to consider about whether or not you should drop everything when it comes to the person you love. It’s a fair question that has an array of different answers, and nobody is pressuring you to know right now. Sometimes, you just know in your gut what you want to do, and we would urge you to listen to that little voice.

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