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New podcast explores the lessons we can learn from Queen Elizabeth II for healthy leadership

Ashlie Collins

Multiple-time startup founder Ashlie Collins explores the leadership legacy left by the late Queen Elizabeth II in her brand new podcast, Listen Up, Startups.

As the UK’s longest reigning monarch, the Queen left a lasting impression around the globe, and the response to her passing has sparked a wide array of responses, both positive and negative, and prompted a wave of reflection.

As a result, her life provides an interesting standpoint from which to draw some key learnings around leadership, and the impact it can have.

This is the first episode of this new weekly series of podcasts taking a deep dive into the history and leaders responsible for shaping business as we know it, unearthing the stories of companies and individuals challenging the status quo.

With thousands of new startups hitting the scene each year, looking to drive innovation and economic growth across the globe – leaders shouldn’t be feeling alone.

Studies have found that half of CEOs report challenges with Mental Illness, whilst 6 of 10 business leaders report turning to unhealthy coping mechanisms rather than professional help when it comes to business stress and loneliness

When it comes to advice for leaders, all too often the focus ends up reflecting an outdated ‘productivity and growth at any cost’ mindset. But as more and more leaders acknowledge the negative repercussions this may have on their health and relationships, now is the time for a new way of seeing leadership.

That’s the mission Humane Startup founder Ashlie Collins is on, helping leaders and sales teams blaze a ‘profit for purpose’ trail, and create healthy habits in the process.

Ashlie is a 3 times startup founder, and has been through the ups and downs of building, scaling and exiting businesses, and has personally seen the negative impact it can have on mental health along the way.

To find out more and listen to the first episode, visit: humanestartup.com/podcast.

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