Expert Opinion

How to feel less stressed at work

Stress is one of the biggest issues that we face in the modern world, particularly at work, and it’s important to curb it as soon as you can.

Feeling excessively stressed can not only lead to long-term health issues but can also mean you get signed off from work, get sick and don’t have a good quality of life. If you find that you are no longer enjoying work and that you are stressed more of the time than not, it’s time you get it under control. In this article, we have a look at how you can feel less stressed at work and some coping mechanisms to help you feel happier.

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Be sure to take regular breaks

We live in a time when work stress is more prevalent than ever and the pressure to constantly be working is a heavy one. This is why you need to ensure you take regular breaks, even just to go out and get some fresh air and walk around the block. If you are a vaper, walking to the shop to get some new e-juices can be a good distraction – just anything that gets you away from a screen and into the fresh air. This can reset your mind and help you feel less stressed when you sit back at your desk.

Don’t be afraid to ask for help

A problem shared is a problem halved and it could be that others at work don’t realise quite how much work is getting to you. Speak to those in your company, either your manager or supervisor or your colleagues in your team. They are there to help and support you and won’t want you to feel overworked and stressed. They might be able to lessen your workload, help you out with projects or assist you with putting things into perspective that might make you feel better.

Look after your physical health

Your mental health is just as important as your physical health and they are actually greatly related. Exercise helps to release endorphins and can help you feel less stressed and happier overall. You can go to the gym, head out on a walk or try playing a sport such as golf, tennis and football. The social aspect of working out can also assist with how you are feeling and be a great opportunity to speak to someone such as a friend or family member about how you are feeling too. Try and work out at least a couple of times a week.

These are just a few things you can do to feel less stressed at work. By taking care of your physical health you will find that your mental health is in a much better place. Ensure you have regular breaks in order to refresh your mind and that you ask for help from your colleagues should you need What are some things you do when your mental health at work needs a break? Let us know in the comments below.

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