Banking and Finance

Bespoke housing development aims to allow older people to live independently in the community

Plans to create a unique development of design-led, high-quality bungalows in Baswich, Stafford, have been unveiled by a locally based investment company. 

The Inglewood Investment Co. says its plans for land off Cornwall Drive, Baswich, are necessary because of an unmet need for bespoke homes for older people who want to live independently in the area.

Planning permission is being sought from Stafford Borough Council for a mix of 10 bungalows and dormer bungalows on land owned by Inglewood.

The proposals will create “a unique, high-quality development, exemplifying the positives of 21st century living”, say BHB Architects, a Lichfield-based company appointed by Inglewood to bring forward the housing development.

The plan proposes two- and three-bedroom homes which meet high standards for accessibility and energy usage on a landscaped site. Inglewood Investments say the development will bring forward some of the most energy efficient homes in Stafford.

The site will preserve and enhance the habitat, with tree and shrub planting adding to the local environment.

Plans show spacious living spaces, designed to be highly accessible for wheelchair users. Each home will feature energy efficiency measures such as photovoltaic roof panels and Mechanical Heat Recovery Ventilation. Modern construction methods, including off-site manufactured SIPs panels will create a highly efficient thermal envelope, reducing air leakage.

Emma Greatrex of Inglewood Investment said: “We believe our plans are sensitive to the local environment and fulfil a real need for high quality, design led, energy efficient homes for older people in Stafford. By 2037, it is forecast that one in four people in the country will be over 65 and planners need to react to this.”

Government guidance states there’s a critical need to provide more homes for older people.

Accessible and adaptable housing will enable people to live more independently, while saving on health and social care costs.

Emma added: “Many older people may not want or need specialist accommodation or care and may wish to stay or move to general housing that is already suitable, such as bungalows, or homes which can be adapted to meet a change in their needs.

“In addition, housing for older people will  free up much-needed family homes.

“We’ve worked with BHB Architects to bring forward plans designed to provide better choice and high quality of life for seniors in the Baswich community.”

A planning application was submitted to Stafford Borough Council in January and a decision is pending.

With offices on the Staffordshire Technology Park, The Inglewood Investment Company is an established Stafford based company that predominantly invests in property in and around Stafford. The company was founded in 1951 by Stafford businessman T B Follows, grandfather  and great grandfather of the current directors.

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