Expert Opinion

Why say yes to mediation

There is nothing harder than a relationship than feeling it fall apart. You may not want the relationship to end but sometimes, there are more gaps than there are anything else and those gaps seem to be largely unbridgeable. In the world we live in now, it’s expected that relationships fall apart and the stress on couples to ‘make it work’ can largely be attributed to that.

Regardless of why your relationship has fallen apart, you need to consider what you do with the family and the children after that. Just because you’ve stopped wanting to be together doesn’t mean you stop spending time with your children. And that’s where family mediation comes in. Parenting is something that you will be doing for the rest of your life, but comfortable co-parenting isn’t the easiest thing to do.

Mediation itself is a negotiation process that involves independent experts who can work with you and your ex and your lawyers to reach a calm resolution. In a mediation setting, it is not just two of you emotionally firing shots at each other. It’s calm conversation and it puts the facts on the table and removes the emotional component. If you’re struggling to pull things together after your breakup, then here is why you should be saying yes to family mediation.

Photo Credit: Pexels

  • You hold all the power. If you’ve chosen to go to family mediation, both of you hold the power of the conversation because you are focusing on facts and you have people around you to stop you from making it an emotional process. You’re the right people to make the major decisions about your children and the breakdown of your family, as well as the assets that you worked very hard to build together in a mediation setting. You can sit down in a calmer environment and discuss it without it becoming a shouting match.
  • It will save your mental health. The mental stress of going through a relationship breakdown is hard. If you are going through mediation, however, you are going to end up talking calmly rather than worrying about litigation, exacerbating indisputable arguments between you both. Resolving your situation early and on the terms that you dictate will save you time, money, and enable you to preserve any mental health you have left.
  • You’ll save money. Speaking of saving time and money, mediation is as efficient as you want it to be.If you don’t want to go through a lengthy court process, then go through mediation can help you to cut out all of that time you spend arguing over CD’s or who gets to take the vars home. Skilled lawyers will be able to advise you on more than the law and help you to identify potential issues in the relationship that could crop up in a courtroom. Mediation allows you somewhere that you can talk about it without needing to worry.
  • It puts you on a positive co-parenting path. With the help of mediation, you can have conversations that are fact based and that allows you to avoid bringing too much emotion into the conversation. 


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