Food & Drink

Why are employees important to your pub business?

Pubs are one of the most popular places to visit across the UK. The opportunity to share a drink with friends and have a great time keeps people coming back for more. In 2022, the pub and bar industry was estimated to be worth £14.3 billion. This is only expected to grow as the years go on.

There are around 45,000 pubs in the UK, which gives consumers a wide variety of places to choose from. This is why it’s so important that pubs are set up to bring in as many customers as possible.

Some of the best ways to do this are to have a great selection of drinks, stylish décor and, most importantly, high-quality staff. Read on to find out why employees are so important to your pub business.

Customer relationships

When people go to the pub, they want to be met with kind staff that can serve them quickly with a smile on their face. Without this, the atmosphere in the pub won’t be inviting and that could drive customers away.

While your staff will no doubt have been hired in part due to their politeness, it’s important to regularly invest in training for your employees. This will guarantee they continue to provide excellent customer satisfaction rates.

Health and safety

In the unlikely event of an emergency such as a fire, having reliable staff is vital to the welfare of customers. They will understand what is expected of them and get themselves and customers safely out of the building.

While this is a perk of having good employees, the responsibility shouldn’t be placed all on them. Landlords should take out pub insurance to protect the building from accidents like this.

Support senior staff

Running a pub can be extremely stressful as you will have to cash up, manage the books and ensure the premises is locked up at night. Passing some of these responsibilities onto other staff members can help alleviate this stress. This will make your life a lot easier and your employees will learn valuable skills to take forward with them.


No pub is truly perfect and there are always ways to improve the way they’re run. As a landlord, you may have run out of ideas on ways to attract customers, so they’ll have to come from elsewhere.

Consider asking your employees what they would do to attract more people to the pub. Younger staff may have innovative ideas that would’ve never crossed your mind. This will make your employees feel valued, which may make them work harder in the future.

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