Expert Opinion

Top tips to get your business website noticed

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When you have a fantastic business idea and have invested your time and money to make it a reality, it is essential it gets noticed. Unfortunately, promoting your business and finding the right ways to market it can be more challenging than launching your venture in the first place.

If you have ploughed your money, time, and energy into launching a new business you are sure is destined for success, it can be incredibly disheartening if it does not get the attention it deserves. It is especially frustrating if you have invested significant resources in a business website that looks great but is nowhere to be found on Google. If you find yourself with a fantastic new business but few customers, it is time to take a different approach to your marketing.

Revisit Your Marketing Strategy

If you have a marketing strategy, it is worth revisiting this and getting back to basics. If you have not done so, it is essential to research your target market to understand better what appeals to them. This will help you identify why your brand is not attracting their attention and how you can address this issue. Without a clear understanding of your target market, it is impossible to create content they will see. You also need to research your direct competitors in detail. Understanding what they do differently and their strategies to engage their target audience is valuable and will provide plenty of insight.

Assess SEO

Search engine optimization plays a crucial role in the success of any website, but especially so if your business has many competitors with a similar offering to yours. Many company websites are designed to look aesthetically pleasing, but this is not enough when you want your website to be reaching the top of page one on the SERPs. To rank high on search and attract your target market, your website needs to look great, be full of high-quality content, and be optimized. So, understanding how SEO can help your business grow organically is important when defining a marketing strategy and something worth researching further before you make any changes to your website. Many business owners attempt to optimize their own sites with varying degrees of success. It is crucial to note that trying your own SEO and getting it wrong can be detrimental to your website, and you could see it penalized by Google. So, SEO is often a task best left to the experts. 

Build Your Social Media Presence

While social media is not without its issues, it does present an excellent tool for you to utilize for your business. Building up your company’s social media presence is an excellent way to increase interest in your business and engage directly with your target audience. You will have a far clearer idea of what your potential customers like and don’t like by paying attention to your social media pages and the comments it receives. This insight can inform your marketing strategy to help your business get noticed.

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