Expert Opinion

Three unique sports to consider when exercising

Getting active and fit is high on the list for many of you. Some have been doing their workout regime for years, while others must get back on the bus again.

There are many ways you can get in your daily workout, like cycling, running, CrossFit and swimming. But for those who like to do things differently or want to try something new, try these sports on for size.

Rock Climbing

Whether it’s indoor or outdoor, rock climbing is a very fascinating and technical sport. Just thinking about rock climbing increases your oxytocin levels. The adventure and excitement overload might be just enough to excuse the sore muscles you never knew you had the next day. The workout targets many muscle groups, including your arms, legs, glutes, back and core. Your legs are your power force in climbing the steep and integrating rock faces, while your balance and strength (in your arms) pulls you forward and close to the wall. And the great benefit is that it has a low impact. Having to stretch in different areas to grab the next holding, you unconsciously improve your flexibility. Even though it’s not a fast pace exercise, you will be sweating buckets in no time, and your heart rate will beat faster than your movements. As with all accomplishments in life, your dopamine levels will be in a constant overdrive every time you reach the peak. This, in turn, combats chronic stress. There are many types of climbing, like mountaineering, traditional, top rope, sport, rappelling, trad, bouldering and free solo. Even if you have never tried rock climbing before, it’s still easy to get started. It’s recommended, though, that if you are a beginner, start out in an indoor rock climbing facility just to get the hang of it and learn how to climb safely. Before long, you will be travelling the world around, seeking out the best rock climbing mountains.

Image Credit: Pixabay


If your motto in life is No Limits, and you live to push yourself mentally and physically, then parkour is right up your alley. This workout doesn’t have a set of movements but rather a set destination. And that is going from point A to point B straight through. The obstacles you find in your path are seen as your workout environment. You cannot go around them but rather over or through them. These obstacles can be anything from dustbins, benches, bushes, rooftops etc. If you are thinking, who’s crazy idea was this? Parkour originated from a training program for French Special Forces. They needed to get to point B and didn’t have time to go around, so they took the obstacles in their way as a challenge to increase their efficiency. Although the moves morphed in time by adding flips, jumps and more, you are still mentally challenged to think on the fly and come up with the best possible movement to overcome what is in front of you. Because of the terrain where parkour is practised (which is literally anywhere), it will be advisable that you do your research to find the best parkour shoes. If you should slip while doing your jumps and flips due to poor grip on your shoes, you could get hurt badly. There are no wrong moves for parkour. It’s encouraged that you express yourself through your movement and instead challenge yourself while keeping it fun.

Pole Dancing

If you are looking for acrobatics, cardio, resistance and flexibility combined in one workout, look no further than pole dancing classes. After just one class, you will feel the burn all over your body. It literally is a full-body workout. From working on your upper body strength, abs, stomach, and lower muscles will also build incredible core muscles. Just the simple movement of climbing up the pole, you are already working on these muscles. And that is even before you mix in the acrobatics.There are even competitions for this sport which you can participate in. It has also become an Olympic event. Pole dancing is also seen as a visual art form as it does combine dance with acrobatics.

Photo Credit: Pixabay from Pexels

There is nothing wrong with joining the masses in mainstream sports to get your exercise in. However, the options are there to broaden your horizons with the wide variety of alternative sports available. From adventure seekers, controversialists, limit pushers or people you love to take the road less travelled. Don’t let your inexperience with any sport stop you from trying it out. Remember that all professionals were once beginners.

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