Expert Opinion

Things to look into for your first hire: Tips and tricks

It’s never too early to start thinking about your first hire. Although you may have many other things on your mind right now, you must take the time to plan for this critical decision. The most important thing to do when looking for a new employee is to know what kind of expertise and experience they will bring.

It also helps if you have an idea of how much money you are willing to spend on their salary and benefits package ahead of time so that there are no surprises later down the line.

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Below are some insights that will help make your first hiring process as smooth as possible.

Legal Obligations

These are important to look into because you must be aware of the legal implications of your decision.  You must hire employment law consultants to ensure all agreements are clear and concise so there is no misunderstanding between both parties. It’s always better to have it in writing than not at all.

Legal obligations are not always necessary for a first hire, but they are essential to consider. Legal obligations include non-compete agreements and intellectual property rights.

Your Financial Plan

Your financial plan will play a crucial role in determining who you choose as your first hire. It is very easy to get carried away and end up with someone that costs more than what you can afford.

You need to sufficiently establish how much money you have at the moment, simply by looking into records of sales and spending. This should give some indication of your financial status now.

It’s essential also to remember that just because one candidate seems affordable enough compared to another does not mean they’re the best choice for you. For example, they might be cheap but not have the skills or competency needed to help your business grow.

Type of Expertise You Need

For your first hire, it is imperative to think about what type of expertise you need. This is because you will not be able to afford the best talent in town or even in your country, for that matter. So if you are looking into hiring someone with specific capabilities and knowledge, know which type of person you want.

Contractual Benefits You Are Willing To Give

This is another crucial factor that you need to look into. Finding the right person for your company is a time-consuming process, so it would be best if you were as specific as possible when trying to find them.

Look at what kind of benefits they are willing to give and ask yourself whether or not those benefits will help with aiding productivity within the company. By being too generous on this aspect, though, one can easily fall prey to high salaries, which might eventually unfavourably affect their budgeting plans.

In some cases where a freelancer receives meagre pay from clients, they may turn around and try selling lower quality work.


In conclusion, it is essential to know what you are looking for in your first hire and figure out how much you want to spend on that person. A good business plan will be necessary when hiring new employees and allocating funds towards legal benefits you would receive. It’s also crucial to make sure the expertise of the candidate fits the position.

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