Expert Opinion

Shifting towards a hybrid working system: What businesses need to know

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Do your team like the flexibility of remote working? Or do they thrive off the hustle and bustle of an office instead? With a hybrid working system your employees can enjoy the benefits that both have to offer. It allows your employees to be flexible and split their time between the office and their personal lives.

As more workplaces continue to shift towards a hybrid working system, there are some important things they need to know. Let’s discuss…

Create A Clear Plan

Regardless of the size of your company, when making the shift towards a hybrid working system, you need to make a clear and concise plan. You will need to have an idea of how you will manage the transition in order to help make it a success. Your plan will depend on the nature of your company. For example, if your workplace has always been office based and never remote, then your plan will look very different to that of a company who already work remotely.

There are a few different things you should include in your business transition plan like determining who will work where and how you are going to accommodate those who want to stay in the office. Luckily, there are plenty of helpful resources online which can help you create a solid plan.

Unify Your Communications

Communication is essential for any workplace. If you have some employees working from home and some working in the office, you will need to ensure that the team can still successfully collaborate for your transition to work to its full potential.

To achieve this, you’ll need to employ the use of the right technologies. Take a look at the voice, data and mobile services by Gamma. With their award-winning range of products, they can help your business raise productivity levels whilst increasing collaboration. Through video calls, messages and instant conference services they can help you boost employee engagement to steer your transition plan towards success.

Prioritise Relationships Between Team Members

If you want a workplace full of effective teams then you will need to prioritise relationships between your team members. Both those working from home and those working in the office. When hiring new starters, it may be the case that they start their role without meeting anyone in person. As a business owner, it is your duty to ensure that you are creating these in-person experiences for them to build strong relationships in the future.

There are many ways that you can achieve this. With a quick online search, you will be able to find an array of virtual team building activities to help you and your teams stay connected no matter where in the world they are. You can host a weekly quiz or make sure there are weekly video calls in the schedule, so employees have a chance to speak to each other face to face. Your team needs strong relationships to help make the transition a success whilst helping them achieve their best work.

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