Expert Opinion

Retaining your employees: The secret to making it happen

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Retaining employees is almost like an artform. Difficult to master straight away, but after time, it’ll feel like an absolute business normality.

The costs of hiring employees can be high, so keeping employees in and training them up will benefit everyone, here’s how it’s done.

Constant Support

It may be obvious, but offering your employees support will go a long way in ensuring your businesses retainment numbers remain as high as possible.

Ideally, you should do this from the moment they step through the door. If not, don’t worry, there’s still time to make amends.

Show you care by taking an interest in your employees lives by speaking to them one on one, and understand their needs during trying times.

Offering Benefits

If you offer your employees a number of benefits, then it’s more likely that they will want to work for you. This doesn’t necessarily mean money either, although that is always a good motivator.

Instead, there are options available. For example, you could offer extra holiday days, less working hours, more comfort items, rest areas and general life bonuses.

You could sign your employees up to a benefit scheme, which allows them to work towards a goal, or spend points on something they choose. This way, you can offer something potentially more exciting

On the topic of company benefits, a more modern approach is to offer an outplacement service, as this will provide your employees with job security.

Job security is a big point of interest for employees on the job market. Job seekers who have more in demand skills will have more choice for themselves. If they see a company is prepared to protect the future interests of themselves, they will be more inclined to look their way.

When it comes to choosing an outplacement service, you should use a tried and tested company, highly rated within their industry. Randstad RiseSmart are one such brand, their outplacement services are considering leading within the HR sector and have helped ease the workforce change without unsettling the balance.

Give Them More Responsibilities

Workers who are given more responsibilities into the day-to-day running’s of the operation, will feel more valued. Not only that, but they will put more work into something that they feel connected to.

There are a number of ways in which you could reward hard working employees with responsibilities. For example, you could give them tasks that previously you yourself would have taken control of. It’s important not to overload them with work they aren’t qualified for, or paid enough for.

No worker will want to take on manager tasks whilst being paid levels below. But offering one small task will help educate them and also helps you see if they’ve got what it takes to be higher up in the business.

Education Can Do Wonders

On the topic of education, it never hurts to offer your employees extra training courses. This will help show your employees that you want them to be the best possible them they can be.

You could do training in house, or get an experienced third party that specialises in employee training. Workers who are provided with education are more likely to stay with you, to show off their new skills.

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