Expert Opinion

Media and the world: How to connect despite the chaos

The digital world has brought about many changes in the media industry. Newsrooms have been forced to adapt to the digital age, and new channels of storytelling have emerged.

Media outlets have had to diversify and experiment with different forms of storytelling to reach new audiences. Alternative media outlets on social media have also challenged the establishment and broken down the fourth wall, challenging traditional journalism and creating a lot of noise. 

With all that noise and fragmentation, how can you connect with an audience in a world where information is more readily available than ever? There are many ways to do this. Some may find it frustrating, but there are no black-and-white answers here. Just keep following your heart and your values, and you’ll be fine. But read on for some specific strategies for this especially chaotic historical moment.

Say something interesting

When creating content, the first thing you should bear in mind is the reader. You need to bear in mind that people read content for different reasons. Some might want to learn something new; some might be looking for entertainment; and some might be looking for a quick solution to a problem. The first thing you need to do as a writer is find out what your audience wants. Once you know this, you can create content that addresses their needs. People tend to read content for one of three reasons: information, entertainment, or knowledge gain. But the easiest way to start is to say something you find interesting!

Be authentic

Another important part of connecting with your audience is being authentic. This doesn’t just apply to the content you create but to your personal life as well. As a journalist or a storyteller, you are expected to be unbiased, accurate, and respectful. You are also expected to be transparent and honest. What you are not expected to do, however, is be boring. Readers generally don’t want to read the same stories that they can find online all day long. 

Use a mixture of traditional and digital media

Some media, such as newspapers and books, is traditional in nature, meaning it’s traditionally been published in print format. Others, like videos, photos, podcasts, and social media posts, are more digital and have been created and distributed using digital technologies. Traditional and digital media have different strengths and weaknesses. Traditional media is more reliable for providing facts, statistics, and background information. These types of media are also great for providing context, which helps readers better understand the story and its significance. Digital media, on the other hand, is great for humanizing a story and giving it a personality. Just make sure you verify it, especially if you’re targeting a global audience. Check legacy outlets, peer-reviewed sources, or organizations verified by third parties, like those that have successfully completed an LEI application.

At the end of the day, it all comes down to one key thing: You. You may be wondering what you can do to connect with your audience. The best thing to do is to start small. Start with whatever you have at your disposal: your laptop, your phone, your digital camera, or whatever way you can connect talent to technology. 

You can also try reaching out to organisations and companies to connect with them on social media. Find out what they do, what their values are, and what they value most. All that will bring you closer to a global community of journalists, storytellers, and thinkers that will increase your understanding of the world around you.


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