Expert Opinion

Is your business squeezing the most it can from social media?

Image Credit: Pexels (CCO Licence)

It’s quite incredible to measure the pace and depth to which online life has defined business decision making. Never before have marketing opportunities like this existed.

After all, if you utilize the best video content marketing tips, and make sure that you host a presence online in terms of social media pages, odds are you can connect with your audience or promote to new people in a way you never could before – and most of that effort can be achieved for free.

Yet just as you might squeeze the best benefits from an offline marketing campaign by making sure you use all the right survey data to guide your approach, it’s essential to figure out how online culture works and how it can inform your current campaign.

Online life moves quickly, and so it’s important for businesses to not overextend themselves or feel too enthusiastic about passing trends. If you can be measured about this, then odds are, you’ll curate even more goodwill for your firm in tandem with your marketing strategy. Let’s see how that might happen:

Know Your Audience

If you know your audience, you’re so much more likely to cater to them as necessary. But what does this mean? Well, consider just how active and savvy they may be with social media in the first place. Perhaps the video content you could post to Twitter should be focused, informational, and respectful of their time should you hope to appeal to a mature audience, while more artsy, daring campaigns and mysterious hashtagging which generates hype for a new product could be used for a younger audience. Always think – what do our people respond to?

Keep It Themed

It’s important to keep your online presence in line with the general branding decisions of your company. For instance, it can sometimes seem a little bit over the top when a business that has an otherwise serious branded approach starts to joke along, post business memes everyday, and tries to get in on every hashtag.

It might simply be that your professionalism should be ported over to how you engage with your users online. This kind of approach can help you enjoy a more grounded interaction with your audience. This way, your firm will seem less like you’re just trying to push false narratives or exploit online culture for your own ends.

Consider The Use

It’s important to consider your reason for being on social media in the first place. It might be that you hope to do more than just marketing. For instance, opening a second Twitter profile for a support contact page can help you communicate with those wondering as to why your website is down temporarily, or how to mediate account issues, and more. This might be separate and more professional compared to your standard promotional and fun Twitter page. When you consider the use beforehand, you’re much more likely to succeed.

With this advice, your business is sure to get the most it can from social media.

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