Expert Opinion

How to thoroughly clean your cafe

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Maintaining a clean and hygienic environment is paramount when running a successful cafe. Beyond offering delectable treats and impeccable service, ensuring your cafe is thoroughly clean is essential for the health and satisfaction of your customers.

A clean cafe not only enhances the visual appeal but also safeguards against potential health hazards. From sparkling countertops to spotless utensils, learn more below about the essential steps to achieve impeccable cleanliness in your cafe, elevating the overall experience for your valued patrons.

  1. Deep clean all pots & utensils

Deep cleaning pots and utensils, including washing them in a dishwasher after every use, is a critical aspect of maintaining a hygienic and successful cafe while following food hygiene regulations. It ensures the safety and quality of the food and beverages you serve while enhancing the overall customer experience. Deep cleaning eliminates stubborn residue, stains, and bacteria that regular washing may miss, reducing the risk of cross-contamination and foodborne illnesses.

For pots and utensils, begin by soaking them in hot water and detergent, allowing the solution to loosen any stubborn particles. Then, using a non-abrasive scrub brush or sponge, thoroughly scrub all surfaces, paying attention to corners and crevices. Rinse the items under running water to remove any detergent residue, and allow them to air dry completely or use a clean towel for drying.

As well as deep cleaning, ensure that all pots and utensils are washed in a dishwasher after every single use to provide thorough sanitisation. The frequency of deep cleaning depends on the intensity of use, with a general recommendation of at least once a week. However, heavily soiled items or those used for preparing raw meat or allergenic ingredients may require more frequent deep cleaning.

2. Wipe down tables after every use

Wiping down tables promptly after every use is essential in maintaining a clean and inviting atmosphere in your cafe. It serves multiple purposes, such as removing food and drink residue, preventing cross-contamination, and ensuring a pleasant dining experience for your customers.

To effectively clean tables, start by clearing any plates, utensils, or debris from the surface. Then, sanitise the table using an appropriate cleaning solution to eliminate bacteria and germs. Wipe down the entire surface, paying special attention to areas prone to spills and stains.

Thoroughly drying the table is crucial to prevent moisture buildup and potential damage. As you dry the table, take the opportunity to inspect for any remaining dirt or debris that might require further attention. Additionally, it is imperative to use clean and sanitised cloths for table cleaning to avoid transferring contaminants from one surface to another.

3. Clean & maintain your espresso machine

Maintaining a clean espresso machine is of utmost importance in ensuring the quality and consistency of your coffee, as well as promoting a hygienic environment in your cafe. Regular maintenance tasks for your espresso machine are essential to keep it running smoothly and to prevent the buildup of residue or mineral deposits that can affect the taste of your beverages.

Weekly tasks include backflushing the machine, which involves running a cleaning solution through the group heads to remove oils and residue. Descaling and cleaning the group heads is another crucial step, as it removes mineral deposits and ensures optimal water flow. Cleaning the steam wands is equally important to prevent milk buildup and maintain the integrity of your frothing capability.

On a daily basis, wipe down the exterior surfaces of the machine to remove any coffee grounds or spills. Empty and clean the portafilters thoroughly to prevent any old coffee grounds from tainting the flavour of your brew. Lastly, purge and clean the steam wand after each use to remove any milk residue and prevent clogs.

4. Thoroughly clean all surfaces on closing

Thoroughly cleaning all surfaces when closing your cafe is crucial for maintaining a high standard of cleanliness and hygiene. The closing cleaning routine not only ensures a fresh start for the next day but also helps eliminate potential food contamination and create a welcoming environment for both customers and staff.

When conducting the closing cleaning, it is essential to focus on key areas. Start by thoroughly cleaning and sanitising countertops and food preparation areas to remove any residue or spills. Pay attention to floors and floor drains, as these areas can accumulate dirt and debris throughout the day. Clean and sanitise equipment surfaces, including coffee machines, blenders, and refrigerators, to maintain optimal functionality and hygiene.

Don’t overlook the walls, windows, and mirrors, as these surfaces contribute to the overall cleanliness and aesthetics of your cafe. Utilise recommended cleaning products and tools suitable for each surface, ensuring effective disinfection and preventing damage.

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