Expert Opinion

How fair is your recruitment process?

If you want to make sure you are running your business as fairly as possible, there are probably a lot of things that you will need to focus on, and they are all going to be equally important.

This is a major concern for anyone who wants to be able to run their business as well as possible and who wants to be a good employer in the process, so that’s certainly something you will need to think about. Here are some of the things you can do to ensure that your recruitment process is much fairer.

Remain Objective

The main key to being fair in your recruitment process is to remain as objective as you possibly can at all times. The more objective you are, the fairer the process is going to be, and you are going to find that you are much more likely to have a team who have been selected for their genuine qualities that will prove important in the workplace, rather than because of natural biases and other unconscious issues. Of course, the challenge is knowing how to actually remain as objective as you can, but it is something that can be perfectly possible if you put your mind to it.

Use The Right Software

These days, most businesses will use software in order to follow through with their recruitment process, and actually the software that you use could make a huge difference to how fair your hiring tends to be. If you want to make sure that you are being truly fair, you should consider using applicant tracking software which is specifically aimed towards inclusivity and diversity. That is much more likely to result in hires across the board which are fairer and more honest and objective – and better hires for your business.

Provide Applicants With What They Need

There will be a number of applicants to your job posts who have particular needs when it comes to different stages of the recruitment process. For instance, you might have someone with a particular mental health challenge which means that they require a particular setup for an interview. These are the kinds of things you need to make sure you are providing, in order to be giving everyone an equal chance. Not only is it the law, but it’s a moral duty that you probably feel you have as an employer as well.

Avoid Positive Discrimination

Just as you need to be fair to all, that also means that you are not using ‘positive action’ to discriminate against or for people. Doing this is still discrimination, and it’s not fair on anyone, including the person being hired, because they might end up in a role that is not for them and only because you felt you should hire them to tick a box. This is not what real fairness looks like, so be careful with this temptation, and try to ensure that you are being as fair to them and everyone else as possible instead.

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