Expert Opinion

Health benefits your business can offer employees

If your business is looking to attract the best employees, then it needs to show that it is invested in them and cares for them.

One of the ways you can do that, while also attracting and retaining a higher level of employee, is to offer them the health benefits that allow them to take better care of themselves. Here are some such benefits worth considering.

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Health insurance

Although not as much of a priority here as it is in other countries, where most people get their healthcare services through insurance, it is still a very attractive offer to employees to provide them with health insurance that covers private health needs. This can include insurance for medical issues not typically covered by the public health services, such as vision and dental care. However, for many, private medical services represent a higher quality of healthcare, and offering them the insurance that pays for it when they need it could be your way to help them access it.

Access to better living options

Access to a fully equipped and working gym is a highly attractive benefit for those who are health-minded. Whether you have the gym on your own premises or partner up with another business in the area to give your employees easy access to it, not only does it incentivise them to be more active, thus making them a lot less likely to have to take sick days in the future, but exercise makes workers more motivated and energised on a routine basis. Some businesses even go as far as to offer certain in-work incentives for those who make use of such benefits, the advantages that are strong.

A mind on preventative health

If you really want your employees to do everything in their power to stay healthier, happier, and more likely to contribute as much as they can in the workplace, then giving them a full picture of their health situation is one of the best ways to do it. A complete health assessment goes a good deal further than just a checkup or a physical. It helps your team get a full picture of the various aspects of their health, as well as what they can start doing to improve it in the long term.

Mental health services

It’s not just the physical health of the employees that you should be mindful of, of course. Working with a mental health consultant can offer your employees access to services that can help them better manage mental health issues such as stress, anxiety, and depression, which can affect their work life just as much as their personal life. It’s important to assure employees that these are entirely independent services, as well, as some might be hesitant to divulge information if they believe it is somehow going to get back to you.

Of course, alongside offering better health benefits, you can do a lot to ensure the care of your employees by being mindful of how the workplace influences their health and doing what you can to mitigate the most negative impacts it can have.

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