Expert Opinion

Getting the max out of the minimum: How businesses can work smarter with limited finances

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If you are a business leader who struggles to relax, you may benefit from making changes to your life, but also changes to your business.

If we choose to be smart with our business finances, we need to learn how to work smarter rather than harder. With that in mind, here are a few methods to ensure that we can do this properly.

Get the Easy Wins

Ultimately, if we’re trying to reduce our stress, we should focus on the easy practices first. There are a number of things we can do to bring about greater peace of mind. Something as simple as business contents insurance can be an invaluable investment because of the benefits it can bring you. Many businesses think they need to cut back on their expenditures as much as possible, but it’s about making those right investments that ensure you have the easy wins. This can include technology, but rather than investing in something every other business has, look at what can help you make more informed decisions and streamline workflows that will propel the business forward.


Creating routines, prioritising tasks, and ultimately being organised will contribute to working smarter. This will help you optimise your time and resources so you can increase your productivity. When you are more productive, your stress levels go down because you’re not feeling like it’s getting out of hand. One of the reasons we all feel stressed is when there’s a lack of control, and therefore looking at how important or urgent a task is can make a massive difference here. This is where something like the Eisenhower Decision Matrix is great for helping you understand what is important versus urgent.

Efficiently Delegate

If you struggle with the financial side of the business, you should concentrate on significant aspects of financial management and, if possible, delegate these responsibilities to capable team members. For a very small business with only a handful of employees, this may be impossible, which is why a business accountant can work wonders for the sake of your business. This will allow the owner of the business to focus on core business activities, rather than worrying about the finances. When it comes to issues of money, there can be a lot of anxiety in the air, which is why delegating is not just going to reduce business leader stress but also increase the levels of trust in an organisation, which will have a positive effect on the working culture of the business. When we place greater trust in our employees, it will have numerous positive repercussions.

Build a Strong Team

As many organisations struggle under the weight of their workloads, delegating tasks to capable team members will mean the business leader can focus on high-impact activities. When it comes to building a strong team, it’s always about diverse skill sets, as this can improve productivity and efficiency but also create a far more dynamic working environment.

Working smarter with limited finances is completely feasible. It’s always about working smart rather than working hard, and by implementing these strategies, you can maximise your efficiency and effectiveness, even with the most limited of financial resources.

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