Expert Opinion

Feeling better about yourself & your life: 5 ways to achieve it

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Feeling good is often an inside job. While external events can certainly affect our mental state and sense of positivity, getting to a good place in life is still largely under your control.

Even if you’re already shaking your head in defiance, it’s important to believe that you have, at least, some influence over your life. That’s a middle ground that most can agree on.

Here are five ways to feel better about yourself and your life.

Stop Comparing Yourself to Others

We’re inherently social beings, Unfortunately, this also leads to criticism from others suggesting that you’re either not good or not successful enough. It can also cause you to excessively compare yourself to other people.

For the most part, stop comparing! It doesn’t advance your station in life and only serves to make you feel worse. It also wastes time that is better spent doing something enjoyable or productive. Avoid letting other people into your headspace in a negative way.

Your life is yours alone. Your upbringing, education, experiences, and circumstances are yours alone. Other people have no right to compare them and you shouldn’t either.

Set Goals and Pursue Them Ardently

Humans are goal setting and goal-achieving individuals. Indeed, we enjoy setting new goals and going after them. It gives us something to pursue rather than drifting aimlessly through life.

Goals also help us to lend new focus to our time. We know why we’re doing something. And achievements – and the smaller milestones achieved along the way – feel good too. Also, they stop the tendency to compare ourselves negatively to others too.

Run a Tight Ship

A messy home and car lead to a chaotic life. When you’re organised and tidy, then it stands to reason that you’ll do your best to remain that way. Being organised in one area of life positively bleeds into others.

Just look at this article about The Psychology Behind Tidying Your Bedroom for clues. There are positives to keeping your bedroom tidy. Making your bed in the morning encourages mindfulness of the need to be disciplined and focused on the task – and to do things right the first time.

Happy Beds are behind the above article. They provide bedroom furniture in numerous configurations to help you keep a tidy bedroom and start your day right.

Exercise Most Days to Lift Your Mood

People often think of exercise as a painful process. Mainly that’s because of being out of shape and not physically active. Going walking is easy, and you get to move at a comfortable pace. Don’t fear exercise.

Getting outdoors for a walk is something that should be done at least five days a week. It will lift your spirits. Also, your mind goes to big picture thinking rather than continuing to worry while on the move. This is useful for short-circuiting any mental loops of continual worry.

Be More Social

Even for introverts, it’s necessary to be social with other people. Doing so enables you to avoid feeling isolated and negative about life. Even having a pet to keep you company can lift the mood. After all, it’s difficult to feel low when your dog is wagging her tail and wants to play with you.

Health and wellbeing are important to having a happy, productive life. Maintaining a positive attitude and a happy mood leads to better results.

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