Expert Opinion

Creating a positive experience for your customers

Photo Credit: Pexels

Running a business requires one thing to experience success – happy customers. Happy customers will continue to shop with you, making purchases and generating profits.

So, you’re going to have to work hard to keep these individuals as happy and satisfied as possible. This involves creating a positive experience for them every time they shop with your brand. Here are some ways that you can achieve this.

In-Store Experience

Many customers choose to shop in-store in order to receive quality customer service and an enjoyable in-store shopping experience. It’s up to you to provide them with this. Some of the suggestions below can help with this venture.

  • Customer service staff – your team should strike the right balance between being helpful without being overbearing. They should be able to step in and assist at the right moments, as and when the customer wants.
  • Atmosphere – you can create an atmosphere in your physical store. This could include lighting, air marketing, sound, temperature and more. Think of your target audience and determine what shopping experience they’d enjoy – then provide it.
  • Rewards – most customers enjoy some sort of rewards scheme, feeling better about their experience if they get something for nothing. Consider loyalty cards or other rewards schemes that help them build points to spend or receive free gifts.

Online Experience

Of course, many businesses are either switching entirely to operating online, or are opening up online stores alongside their brick and mortar stores. This is often a good idea, as the world is becoming increasingly digitised and there are benefits for both business and customer in online operations. Your customers can shop around the clock, whenever suits them. They can shop wherever they are, opening you up to a national or international customer base. They can have items delivered directly to their homes and, from your side, business operations are cheaper. Of course, it can feel difficult to provide good customer service when you’re not face to face with someone. This, however, can be resolved with the following tips.

  • Communication Options – offer your customers multiple routes of communication. This can help them to get in touch with you in a way that suits them. Popular options include phone, email and online, instant chat. Respond to all queries as quickly as possible.
  • Customer Service Training – make sure your staff who are responding to customers are well versed in customer service. You should make sure they know your products or services inside out to answer questions and also remain polite and patient at all times.
  • UX Design – UX design is “user experience” design. Specialists in this area can make sure that your website is set up in a way that users find easy to navigate, allowing them to get where they want as easily as possible.

As you can see, you’re going to have to put effort into creating a positive customer experience. But all of your efforts will prove more than worth it. Give them a try and see how you get on!

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