
Connection Matters: Loneliness Awareness Week 2023 encourages harnessing of everyday connections

Loneliness is on the rise. A survey by Nextdoor and a leading loneliness charity, The Marmalade Trust, revealed that a staggering 85% of Brits have experienced loneliness in the past year, with 44% feeling chronically lonely. Almost a third of people in the UK already feel lonelier since the pandemic. Disconnected communities could cost the UK economy £32 billion every year. This can be exacerbated by the cost-of-living crisis, which hinders social interaction.

Marmalade Trust is launching its 7th annual campaign, Loneliness Awareness Week 2023, dedicated to raising awareness of loneliness across the UK and worldwide. Taking place from June 12th to 18th, this year’s campaign, ‘Connection Matters,’ aims to get people to notice and encourage small everyday connection moments to reduce feelings of loneliness and increase connection.

By highlighting the need for people to reach out to each other and share even the smallest moments of connection, we can support ourselves and others to feel acknowledged, happier and reduce loneliness.

Marmalade Trust calls on everyone to strive for a future where open conversations about loneliness are commonplace. This empowers individuals to share their emotions and strengthen social connections.

During Loneliness Awareness Week, we encourage individuals, businesses, organisations, and community groups to join us in creating supportive communities by harnessing and sharing moments that matter and initiating conversations about loneliness with family, friends, colleagues and neighbours.

Alice Peperell, Campaign Director of Loneliness Awareness Week, describes three simple ways people can get involved, “We are asking people to join in by spreading the word, building connections by organising or joining an activity or event, following us on social and sharing stories of connection.”

Nextdoor and The Marmalade Trust have partnered to address the UK’s loneliness epidemic by promoting open discussions and fostering meaningful connections online and in person.

Amy Perrin, Founder and CEO of Marmalade Trust, said “We are committed to raising awareness of loneliness and reducing its stigma. Together with Nextdoor, we’re shedding light on loneliness in our neighbourhoods.”

The research found that:

  • Almost half (44%) feel chronically lonely, with younger people feeling lonely most often
  • Almost all (97%) of respondents want to help those feeling alone
  • Three-quarters (75%) of Brits would like to share a cup of tea or coffee with a neighbour to ease loneliness.

Minister for Loneliness Stuart Andrew said: “Loneliness is something that can affect anyone at any time, but it’s important people know that they are not alone and that support is out there. This Loneliness Awareness Week is the perfect opportunity to encourage small moments of connection, whether that be arranging to go for a walk with a friend or inviting them for a tea or coffee. By opening up the conversation about how we are feeling, we can better support each other.”

In 2017, Marmalade Trust founded the first loneliness awareness week in the UK.  This year, we are delighted to be working with GILC and representatives from countries across the world to share the messaging further.  Collaborating and raising awareness of loneliness globally is key to us all being able to address the growing global loneliness issue and directing those who need information to the appropriate support.

CEO of the Global Initiative on Loneliness and Connection, Paul Cann, said, “Once again, the Marmalade Trust is highlighting an urgent social challenge to which all parts of society must respond.  We support them wholeheartedly. Across our international membership, we see governments and societies galvanising action to promote social connection for all groups of society”.

For free resources on how to make social connections, check out the list on our website

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