
Colchester learning disability enterprise welcomes new trustee

Gareth Mitchell

Colchester-based charity, Level Best Enterprises, which is run by The Dacon Trust has announced that former Council executive Gareth Mitchell has joined its Board of Trustees.   

A social enterprise that provides work and life experience in its Colchester café, gardens, and art gallery for more than 60 young adults with learning difficulties and disabilities.  

Gareth recently retired, served as chief executive of Colchester Borough Homes, and before that in a range of senior leadership roles for Colchester Borough Council, managing public services in the community, including Colchester Leisure World and the parks and recreation services. He is currently also a co-opted Governor at Lexden Springs Residential Special School.   

In his trustee role, Gareth will support Level Best in its next phase of growth as the charity starts to expand its services and capacity to accommodate more trainees.  

Gareth says: “After many years of general management experience I’m fairly familiar with a wide range of disciplines and hope to bring useful professional skills and knowledge. Since being retired one of the things I’ve missed is working with a team, so it’s a real privilege to be able to join a group of people such as Level Best.  

“I am learning from other voluntary roles how difficult the transition from education to adulthood can be for people with additional needs. Level Best does a terrific job of picking up the baton to continue providing brilliant and meaningful work skills training opportunities for adults and young people with learning disabilities.  

“Level Best has such an exceptional team of people and works in such a unique environment, it’s going to be very exciting to work with them as they enter this new chapter, and I am very pleased to be joining the board of trustees.”   

If you are interested in joining the Board of Trustees at The Dacon Trust, visit  to learn more.   

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