Expert Opinion

Clear signs that it’s time to change jobs

If you have been in your current job for quite a while, but feel as though your motivation is dwindling then you are not alone.

So many people feel like you do at some point in their lives. That being said, if you don’t make a change then you may find that you end up wasting your career potential and this is the last thing you need. If you aren’t sure if now is the time for you to jump ship or not, then take a look below.

You Feel Stressed Out

Do you find that you often drag your feet on your drive to work? Maybe you feel as though you don’t have a spring in your step and want to do something about this. Either way, things like this show that you need to move on. You may be sleeping less than you used to, or you may be experiencing bouts of irritability. Symptoms like this can indicate that you have rising stress levels. This is an early warning sign that things are not as they should be. At the end of the day, stress lowers your immune system and it also makes you far more susceptible to things like low mood and impaired performance. If you are getting the feeling that your body is trying to tell you something, then take a second to listen to the message.

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You Don’t Believe in the Company

When you began working the job you have now, you may have felt as though it was full of possibility. In fact, you may have even felt proud to be able to identify yourself as a member of the company. Recently, however, you may have noticed a bit of a change in the office atmosphere, or that you just don’t have confidence in the organisation anymore. Lack of shared values can be a big deal. You may find that your values no longer align with the company, or that you feel as though you have outgrown the business in general. If this sounds like you then this is a major sign that you have to make a change. If the company that you are working for have offered you a settlement, then it is wise for you to hire a settlement agreement solicitor, so they can make sure you’re getting a fair payout.

You’re Watching the Clock

At one point in your career, you might have woken up excited about what you might get done that day. You might have even taken on extra projects so you can stay up late to help out. If that has changed and now you feel as though you’re watching the clock every day then this is a major sign that something has to change. 

Your Skills Don’t Match

A lot of the time, people get hired for things that they might be good at, but they don’t like doing them. It may be that you are great at software sales but in reality, you would much rather work in marketing. Maybe you are a whizz at creating spreadsheets, but you don’t want to sit at a computer all day. If this sounds like you, a change is in order.

You Feel Invisible

Do you sometimes feel as though the opinions and the contributions you make often go unacknowledged? Of course, if you spend a lot of time in the week working with people then it is important that you feel part of the team. If you don’t then you may find that you end up falling behind and that you fail to make a real difference. Even if you have loved working for the company in question, and you have built up a great rapport with the team, you shouldn’t feel invisible. If you want to make a change then now could be the time for you to branch out.

You Have Outgrown your Role

Sometimes, it can be very difficult to accept that a role is not substantial enough for you anymore. You may feel as though your skills go beyond what you do and that if you stay in the position you’re in, your career is going to suffer as a result. Either way, if this sounds like you then you need to try and make a change. Sometimes changing jobs is the best thing to do here, so make sure that you explore your options and that you make sure that you find a position that reflects your worth. If you can do this then you are bound to see an improvement in your mental health.

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