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Carol Vorderman providing FREE ‘Summer Adventure’ as 1 in 2 parents struggle to keep kids entertained over the holidays

As parents share some of their challenges halfway through the summer holidays, Carol Vorderman is supporting busy mums and dads with FREE maths games for children all summer break.

TV host Carol Vorderman and digital learning company Pearson are providing their ‘Summer Adventure’ – a free and fun maths course for 4-12 year-olds to enjoy over the summer holidays.

This comes in response to findings released from a Pearson survey of more than 1,000 parents across the UK, which shows that:

  • Over half of parents find it tough keeping their children entertained over the summer holidays.
    • 1 in 2 would like their children to do some academic learning over the break, but many lack confidence supporting their kids with maths at home.
        • Many parents notice their children’s maths skills are rusty come September.
  • Around three in five would love a free and fun way of helping their children with maths over the break.

Carol Vorderman said: “My two children are now grown up, but I remember how tricky it could be sometimes to keep kids entertained over the school holidays, particularly if you’re working. Many parents this year are juggling work, childcare and looking for affordable ways to have fun as a family with the cost of living. So here is a gift from us to you, and it’s all free.“The majority of families in a recent survey told us they’d love something fun, free and educational to support the kids over the break. So, we are providing free games, videos and activities from yours truly. We want children to have fun and build their maths confidence this summer, while also giving mums, dads, grandparents and carers across the country a well-deserved tea break! I know it’s helping thousands already, so here’s to a happy Summer of Sums! With much love.

”The free Summer Adventure is part of The Maths Factor (TMF), an online tutoring site for 4-12 year-olds created by Carol that has already supported hundreds of thousands of families when it comes to maths. Using TMF’s tried-and-tested approach, the free summer course will engage children with easy-to-follow maths video lessons and games. It can be accessed anywhere families have signal – in the garden, at the park or indoors on a rainy day – through a computer, iPad or phone.Reflecting on the summer holidays, dad of one Rob, who is spending the break with his wife and son at home in Powys, Mid Wales, said: “I am a self-employed accountant who struggles to switch off work mode and my wife has recently started a new job, so this summer is a challenge to get the balance right, as we don’t have any family nearby who can help with childcare, and we want to make the most of time off school and create some happy memories. The cost-of-living crisis has put a strain on our finances, so there’s no way we could afford a big holiday abroad this summer. Keeping our young one entertained and occupied at all times for six weeks is no small feat so we are having family hours and day trips out throughout the break, as well as taking it in turns to do activities with Samuel.

“While we try and limit screen time, Samuel loves to ‘chillax’ as he puts it with the tablet – wherever we are – so it is great to have something engaging and educational to occupy him and something that doesn’t break the bank, too. Signing up for The Maths Factor Summer Adventure has been a must for us!”

Mother of four Megan from the South West added: “Maths just isn’t my thing at all, so I would love the girls to get really confident as it really is so important in everyday life. I am always calculating how to double up ingredients for recipes to suit a larger family or how many meals I can get out of a certain amount of money – it’s such a vital skill.”

Megan’s comments echo many parents’ feelings across the country. The Pearson survey also found that:

        • About half of all parents dislike or hate maths, while the same proportion report struggling to use it in their daily lives.
          • 1 in 4 parents had a negative experience learning maths when they were at school and 3 in 5 feel the maths they learnt about is very different to what their child now studies. Perhaps unsurprisingly almost 1 in 2 sometimes lack confidence helping their children with their maths homework.
            • Despite their own experiences of maths, 7 in 10 parents believe having good maths skills will help their child get on in life and two-thirds would like their child to have more maths confidence.

Chantel Carpenter, Director of Consumer at Pearson, which runs The Maths Factor and the Summer Adventure with Carol, said: “Maths has the power to unlock countless opportunities in life, so it is fantastic to see that so many parents value good maths skills for their children. For decades The Maths Factor has successfully been building maths confidence and skills among children and parents alike. We hope this year’s ‘Summer Adventure’ will help fuel a positive and lifelong maths journey for many more families.”To learn more about The Maths Factor Summer Adventure, and sign up today, visit www.themathsfactor.com/summer-adventure.

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