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Calm In A Box launch new programme in response to AI gathering pace after working with Derby Junior Lawyers

Sarah Markham

A Derbyshire businesswoman has created an innovative programme aimed at boosting productivity and effectiveness in the workplace and equipping workers the tools they need to thrive, in response to artificial intelligence gathering pace.

Multi-millionaire Elon Musk, the owner of Twitter and chief executive of car company Tesla, was one of the key figures in AI who recently contributed to an open letter warning of potential risks saying that the race to develop AI systems is out of control.

Sarah Markham, workplace culture expert and founder of CALM In A Box, has recently launched Calm Design School and says that whilst we need to embrace change we also need to be aware of the moral, social and behavioural problems that AI can cause.

She said: “Whilst there is no doubting that AI is the future, we need to consider the long-term implications and efficiency over effectiveness.

“For example, the introduction of tech may initially triple profit but what are the people implications? We’re all now very familiar with ChatBots but, over time, they have become more sophisticated with the increase in fraudulent phone calls and scams.

“There are some scary statistics out there about AI and the extinction of the human race, but I do believe that progressive organisations will always value people. But what we will need from people will change. That is why I have created the Calm Design School; to give people new tools and techniques to improve connection, mindset, energy and motivation which is what will really matter in the workplace of the future.”

Sarah has been working with Derby Junior Lawyers to help them think about innovating more effective ways of working across the legal sector. It comes after The Law Society recently revealed that junior lawyers have reported lower levels of happiness than experienced lawyers, and are less likely to find their work meaningful than other groups.

Sarah said: “I worked with the Derby Junior Lawyers to help them find solutions that can drive positive culture change across the legal sector, finding a greater balance within an industry that is often associated with long hours and increasing workloads.

“The way that lawyers work leaves them at high risk of burnout due to the ways of working, some leadership behaviour and workplace culture.”

Sarah’s top tips included paying someone a compliment once a week and making make a drink for a colleague who looks like they might need a break. She also encouraged delegates to support a healthy balanced working environment that is more accepting of mistakes, and to drive positive culture change across workplaces to find greater balance.

“My aim is to drive positive culture change across the legal services to find greater balance and develop a workplace where everyone can thrive,” said Sarah, “to do well, you need to be well; energy is our most precious resource, and we need to be more effective rather than more efficient.”

John Ellis, of Alexander & Co Solicitors, said: “The workshops have been genuinely insightful and thoroughly enjoyable. They have made us all think hard about how we can act to improve the legal sector in the future and point out where other people might need or want to set a boundary when they seem overloaded.”

Amelia Sutcliffe, meanwhile, works for Smith Partnership. She said: “I’m realising the power of being vulnerable with other people and I’m less afraid of the possible consequences. I’ve started saying at work that I don’t have capacity and setting that boundary if I need to.”

For details on the Calm Design School, visit www.calminabox.co.uk.

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