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BFCitC Schools’ Mental Wellbeing Project supporting students during lockdown

Supporting young people with their mental health is an important area for Burnley FC in the Community (BFCitC) which is why the charity is proud to deliver the Schools’ Mental Wellbeing Project, with a full-time BFCitC Mental Wellbeing Worker placed in eleven secondary schools across Burnley and Pendle.

Supported by the Premier League, the Professional Footballers’ Association, Burnley Borough Council, East Lancashire CCG and all the schools involved, the aim of the project is to support young people with their mental wellbeing, with the Mental Wellbeing Workers supporting students that are in need of help by offering a wide range of interventions in both one-to-one and group settings, while also raising awareness of the importance of mental health within each school.

Lockdown and school restrictions have resulted in the Mental Wellbeing Workers adapting their way of working so they can still best support students in a safe and compliant manner.

Hayley, a Mental Wellbeing Worker on the programme said: “The work that we are carrying out in schools has always been crucial, but now more so than ever. Our young people need stability and routine and to be able to provide a small amount of that in the current situation is a real honour. Our most vulnerable students are still receiving face-to-face weekly support and any students who are having to stay at home are receiving tailored support to best suit their needs. This can be a structured session; a welfare check or a simple “what have you been up to this week?” kind of conversation.”

Cameron, said: “Since lockdown I have mainly been working remotely through Teams to continue having sessions with the students. In sessions, I have been delivering more content on sleep hygiene in order to help students create and maintain better sleeping routines. Other things that we are working on is how to increase mood levels by reducing the time students spend alone in their rooms. This involves actively setting goals to engage with others in the household or create tasks to do during the week.”

Lidia, said: “My role has been vital for student’s wellbeing; my workload has increased due to the impact lockdown and home learning has had on student’s wellbeing. I am offering a face-to-face service for students to come into school for a wellbeing session and online sessions for those at home.

“I have just completed a presentation on positive steps to wellbeing for all students to observe during tutorials to gain tips on how to improve their wellbeing. We are also working on creating a wellbeing section on the school website for everyone to access, which will include information on improving wellbeing and tools to manage low mood and anxious thoughts as well as making a smooth and positive return to school.”

To find out more about Burnley FC in the Community’s Schools’ Mental Wellbeing Project, visit www.burnleyfccommunity.org.

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