Expert Opinion

Best hobbies to reduce work stress

Image Credit: Pexels (CCO Licence)

Feeling stressed and running a successful business seem to go hand in hand. Many business owners find the weight of responsibility and the long hours involved in being the boss can lead them to feel run down and stressed out. While there are many benefits of being an entrepreneur, it can be hard to enjoy these when you feel under constant stress.

Work-life balance is a subject that is widely spoken about but achieving a balance between work life and free time can be hard to accomplish when there is so much that needs to be done. But finding ways to set aside downtime is crucial to protect your health and wellbeing. This constant pressure can lead to chronic stress, which can take its toll on you both physically and mentally in the long term. If you struggle to relax and feel restless when you have spare time, it may help to find a hobby that occupies your mind. Having a hobby that requires concentration is an excellent way to get a mental and physical break and maybe more beneficial than simply lying on the sofa and trying to forget about work. Here are some excellent hobbies you may want to try to help you bring more balance into your life:


If you have a creative side to your personality lying dormant, embracing this and letting it flow freely can be a perfect stress reliever. Being creative is an excellent opportunity to use your brain in an entirely different way than you do for work. Experimenting with colours and trying different painting techniques can be a lot of fun. Painting can encourage you to enter a state of flow, where you are entirely immersed in your task; this can be extremely helpful if you have been feeling particularly stressed recently. Seeing your painting skills evolve as you practice more frequently can bring a strong sense of satisfaction and is a rewarding experience.


Being outside surrounded by nature and breathing in the fresh air can be a liberating experience. When you are physically apart from the causes of your stress and in an entirely different setting, it becomes so much easier to relax. Fishing is widely recognised as a relaxing activity that many people enjoy. If you are looking for opportunities to meet new people and make new friends, fishing is ideal for this too. Why not grab some carp fishing rods and find out why fishing is a popular hobby for reducing stress.


For some people, being physically active and burning up their excess energy is ideal for minimising their stress levels. Swimming is a perfect activity for many people as it is low impact and does not place extra pressure on the joints. Being in the water and the feeling of weightlessness it brings can have a soothing effect; focusing on your movement through the water can help to relieve both mental and physical tension throughout the mind and body after a long day at work.

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