Expert Opinion

Best business ideas for post Brexit Britain

There is a great deal of uncertainty in the UK (and around the world) with Brexit on the horizon and it is hard to predict exactly what the near future will look like from a business standpoint. This, understandably, is causing a great deal of stress and anxiety for entrepreneurs and business owners, but there are a few business ideas which could prove lucrative in the post Brexit economic environment.

Personal Health Apps

People are becoming increasingly more interested in health and fitness and this is something that will continue regardless of the fallout of Brexit. Therefore, starting your own personal health app could be a smart business move whether this is monitoring fitness, helping people to diagnose health conditions or managing existing conditions.

Plant-Based Foods

Following this, many people are making significant changes to their diet and opting for healthier, plant-based foods. This is because of the health benefits, the fact that it is cheaper (this could be important post-Brexit) and it is better for the environment (this is a huge topic in the media right now). Any business relating to plant-based foods, such as a restaurant, could be a great business move for the near future.

Tech Startups

The tech industry is going through rapid growth right now with the UK being a key contributor to this. Where many industries may struggle once the UK leaves the EU, tech should continue to grow and attract investors which could be vital for growth in a tough economic period. Technology can be an expensive area to set up in which is why you might want to look into small business loans for funding.

Sharing Services

Sharing services have become a huge trend in recent times and it is easy to see these services being used heavily in post-Brexit Britain. The most popular of these are Uber and Air BnB, both of which arose in the wake of the 2008 financial crisis. Businesses like this can help people to make savings on certain areas of their life which will be key after Brexit. It is easy to see more businesses like this setting up soon and this could prove to be a lucrative venture.

It is hard to picture what life will be like post-Brexit and it is understandable that people are concerned. There may be some areas that could thrive once the UK leaves the EU, however, so entrepreneurs need to be looking to these areas and thinking about how they can start a business that has every chance to succeed during this difficult time.

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