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5 Things That Make Life Easy

Take Control of Your Busy Life

If the pandemic taught us anything, it was to respect our time and our freedom more. Up to one third of your life will be spent sleeping, so we need to make the most of the time in between.

Here are 5 things that make life easy.

Things that make life easy – Food

Spending all this time figuring out what to eat, only to discover that you do not have the ingredients. How can this be, when you spent so much time rummaging through the supermarket planning meals?

Why not let Hello Fresh provide a list of recipes and deliver the ingredients straight to your door?

Hello Fresh

Save time and energy planning, get fresh and delicious food, and reduce waste. Is there anything not to like? To sign up, click here.

Wine List

Things that make life easy – Drink

We’ve all been stuck in a winefield!

That moment when you’re faced with the wine section and don’t know where to begin. Every time you pick up a bottle, you pretend to be an expert before taking the same bottle you took last week.

With Wine List, you will receive a sample bottle every month as well as all the information you could ever need to build your wine knowledge.

Special wine offers at discounted prices, an expanded wine knowledge base and a broader wine palate. Here is where you can sign up.

Things that make life easy – Clothing

Love it or hate it, shopping for clothes is a necessity. With the help of personal shoppers, the rich and famous have remained stylish and up-to-date for years. Nowadays, thanks to companies such as Stitch Fix, this is available to almost anyone.

It costs £10 to get Stitch Fix to put together a selection of clothing and send it to your home for you to try on. Keep the ones you want and return the rest. Shopping completed. Click here to learn more


Things that make life easy – Fitness

Unfortunately, they have not yet invented a machine or tablet that will keep you fit without any effort. However, the real hassle with gym membership is not exercising, it’s getting there, changing, waiting for a machine, getting showered, then getting home.

The problem with home gyms is that they occupy a lot of space and are confusing. What you need is a single piece of equipment that can provide a full body workout, preferably one that is low impact on your joints.

Welcome to rowing! Here’s Hydrow, a rowing machine that is so stylish you won’t need to hide it when you’re done and so effective you won’t need anything else. Featuring an obligatory video personal trainer, nothing can stop you from getting in shape. Is it time to get fit? Here’s the link!

Things that make life easy – Cleaning

The housecleaning robot that was promised in old TV shows is nowhere to be found. However, there are still several tasks which can be automated, one of them being vacuuming the house.

Since the initial iRobot Roomba was introduced, the systems have progressed a lot. Now they sweep the floor as well as vacuum …so sit back, relax, and let your robot take care of the cleaning, so you can do the ironing. That one hasn’t been figured out yet.

Get your robot slave here!


So that’s our top five ways to improve your time management and reduce wasted time, I’m sure you have many more, why don’t you share it with others in the comments section.

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Things That Make Life Easy

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