Expert Opinion

4 ways to reduce boiler breakdowns

Photo Credit: Unsplash

Discovering that your boiler has broken down is never fun, particularly in winter when temperatures plunge. But cold temperatures and lack of hot water can be dangerous, especially to those who are vulnerable, such as the elderly, small children or those who have chronic illnesses.

Not only is a broken boiler a major inconvenience but repairs can be expensive. A recent survey found that over 10% of participants paid an average of £245, while 4% paid over £1,250 for a boiler repair.

Many people rely on their savings or taking out a loan even if they have bad credit. After all, since a boiler is such a vital component to a home, finding ways to repair it quickly is a must even when it’s costly.

But there are some ways to reduce the likelihood of boiler breakdowns – which, in turn, could save you an unexpected and unwanted expense.

  1. Annual service

This may be an obvious step to take but making sure you get your boiler services every year will prolong its life.

Not only will the engineer check the components of the boiler itself but they will also look into its efficiency and the risk of a carbon monoxide leak.

2. Radiator maintenance

A simple way to keep your system up and running is to maintain the radiators in your house. This makes sure that any trapped air inside the radiator is released and the hot water is free to circulate around it, which is what warms up your house.

If you hear any strange noises such as banging or gurgling, then it is time to bleed your radiators. Just make sure to turn off your heating before you do so as they may be too warm otherwise.

3. Consider a power flush

A power flush is a method used by engineers and plumbers to get rid of any debris or small blockages in a boiler system, which allows water to flow through freely.

Power flushes usually take about eight hours, although this greatly depends on the scale and condition of your existing boiler system.

There are many benefits to a power flush, chiefly that it reduces breakdown rates and increases the lifespan of your boiler.

4. Avoid frozen pipes

During cold weather, any water in the exposed pipes of your property can freeze and, as a result, expand. This can cause excessive pressure on the pipes and potentially lead it to burst.

This can be prevented in a few simple ways. If you are leaving your property for a long period, then turning off your water can prevent burst pipes. Alternatively, you could insulate your pipes using foam sleeves, focusing on those that are attached to external walls as these are the most prone to bursting.

These are just a few of the possible ways to reduce the risk of boiler breakdown, offering you valuable peace of mind while saving you some money in the process.

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