Expert Opinion

4 ways to protect yourself from accidents and disasters at work

Every year, there are thousands of workplace accidents that lead to injuries and fatalities.

These accidents happen when people don’t follow safety procedures or use equipment properly. While every job, environment, and industry is going to heavily vary when it comes to safety procedures, it’s very important to constantly stay alarmed to ensure your safety. Thanks to the COVID pandemic that has happened over the last couple of years, there are more companies that are getting noticed for their lack of care when it comes to employee safety.

While a covid vaccine fridge isn’t exactly needed for all industries, let alone all employers, this has raised the awareness of the importance of everyone feeling safe while doing these jobs. So, with that said, here are some ways to protect yourself at work: prevent accidents, get sick, or anything else in between.

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Be aware of your surroundings

This is pretty easy to achieve for the most part. While it may be tempting to just run on “autopilot” while working, it’s usually that behaviour and being careless that usually leads to workplace-related accidents. There are many things to consider when working. You should always be aware of your surroundings no matter where you are and what you’re doing.

If someone approaches you or if your company takes security very seriously, you need to make sure that the area is clear. There are certain safety precautions you should take when working, especially if you’re in a new environment. Overall, just try your best to be aware of what you’re doing and what’s happening in the environment you’re in.

Follow the safety guidelines provided by your company

The safety of those working in the construction industry is paramount, and the company should provide safety guidelines for their employees. The company should have a proper safety manual that outlines how to work safely and what to do in case of an emergency. If you’re a small business owner for instance and looking to grow your business, then you’re going to have to lay out some safety protocol and strict safety guidelines that your employees (and yourself) can and will abide by. Also, make sure to regularly check on to ensure that employees remember these guidelines.

Use equipment safely while working

No matter what type of equipment is on hand, even if it is a paper cutter, you’ll need to ensure that you and your teammates are operating all of these safely. Working with equipment safely can prevent injuries and save money on medical bills in the long run. To start, it is important to use all equipment properly following safety guidelines.

 Be sure to understand each tool’s purpose, how to use it, and the risks associated with its use before attempting a task. Remember, even the regular office environment can have equipment that can be presumed as unsafe if not careful.

Report any unsafe conditions to the right personnel immediately

Sometimes safety is not as easy as it seems. Sometimes when you run into a problem in the workplace, you don’t know what to do. In these cases, you should report any unsafe conditions to the right personnel immediately. While it’s good to correct mistakes from your fellow team members at work, it may be best to immediately inform the right safety personnel. 

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