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3 different leaderships styles and where they fit

Leadership is not one singular style of being. There are several different styles of leadership and there is proof that every industry has its own.

For one thing, many people do not want a purely business leadership style in healthcare. However, nobody wants a purely transactional leadership in business either, where only the bottom dollar counts for all. Leadership styles have things in common, as in the leader must be informed, tough but fair, have a steady control on their emotions, and always be ready to dive into detail.

However, if you think that you need to be a certain type of leader to lead in your industry, here are 3 very clear examples that are not true.

Healthcare leadership

As mentioned, the healthcare industry would not do well with a leader that has only a business leadership style. Healthcare is more than just making money. You have to show that you care about patients, design plans that help patients pay for their services, implement organisational resilience so that during tough times whether economic or otherwise, the hospital, private care, nursing business or doctor’s office can stay open and function at a high level. If this sounds like something you could do, then these apprenticeships in health and social care is something to consider. You will learn both adult health and social care so you can help the community, develop clear business strategies that manage risk, lead cultural change and protect the business from financial stress.

Transactional leadership

In many industries there is a concern that new and old employees don’t have a common understanding. The younger employees may want to further the designs and start new services in the business. The older employees want to hold onto the things they have built and managed for so long. A leader that can help to bring these two types of professionals together, has a transactional leadership. This is when the older employees work with the younger employees in projects and thus, help each side to understand how the other operates. This can lead to a much better working environment. This style of leadership is seen in industries like banking, manufacturing, investing and the lending industry to name a few.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Servant leadership

Servant leadership is where the leader shares his or her power with other employees, to a much greater extent than is traditionally considered normal. It’s often seen in industries that are heavily populated by the youngest professionals. This is mostly in design and creative industries like technology, ecommerce, fashion and software development. As an altruistic leader, you will welcome power-sharing, giving decision-making powers to people who have not had such power before. It’s about giving the younger professionals a chance to lead their teams and show their perspective which could help to take a company into the future.

Leadership does not have a concrete style. You have to have certain things present in your character but there are many different styles for all the industries that exist.

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